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World Folk Music Ottawa The One World Choir
Centre de production Daimon Artists Interview Series - Caroline Gagné / Chuck Samuels / Pixie Cram / Philippe Lesage / Jacqueline Hoang Nguyen / Exhibition Promos
Pinegrove Productions The Eeyouch of Eeyou Istchee (Episodes 3 & 4) | Studio of Dreams
Théâtre LaCatapulte Frères d’hiver | Apocalyspe à Kamloops
Independent Media Arts Alliance Arts Day on the Hill 2014 (MP Interviews)
Portrait Gallery of Canada/OCISO Family Portraits: Immigration and Identity
Nobel Women’s Initiative various
Laurent de Crombrugghe Héritiers de Champlain
Jaku Konbit mentorship program
SAW Video mentorship program
Josée Dubeau Jeux – Turntable | Utopie Moderne | Street Intervention in London | Weightlessness
Marie-Jeanne Musiol Luminous Fields | Champs de lumière
François Dion espaciomexico
Andrée Préfontaine Les apprenants
Leslie Reid Heartbeat | Resolute | Dark Light: Harecastle | Cape Pine: The Station | Cape Pine: Memoria
Penny McCann Land Lines (of time and place) in no particular order | Crashing Skies
Eric Walker The View From Point Pleasant
Robert Tombs Brigus Mark | Erfurt